Commercial Trash Collection & Recycling

Pennsylvania’s Act 101 of 1988 and The Code of Carroll Township, Chapter 326 requires all commercial, institutional, municipal establishments and community activities to recycle.
Who must comply?
All offices, restaurants, grocery stores, retail shops, service shops, schools, churches, civic groups, and any other establishments that are not residences must comply.
How does an establishment comply?
1.  Contact a Garbage and Recycling Hauler of your choice for your recycling needs.
2.  Each calendar year, you are required to report how much you recycled and the items you recycled. A report form is located at the bottom of this page. It must be sent to Carroll Township by February 1st of each calendar year.
Fines and Penalties
All businesses and establishments that generate recyclable material are required to recycle.  Fines and penalties can reach $1,000 per day.
If you are unsure about what to do, please contact: Josephine Patton, Carroll Township Recycling Coordinator at 717-432-4951 or

Recycling is good for the entire community and it’s the Law!

Commercial recycling that takes place in Carroll Township plays a big role in boosting our municipal recycling figures.  Both commercial and residential recycling figures are sent to York County Solid Waste Authority.  When all 72 York County municipalities have submitted their Annual Recycling Report Form, the Reports are combined by the Authority to complete the Annual York County Recycling Report.  The York County Report will be submitted by the Authority to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.

The commercial and residential recycling figures are also used in preparation of the Act 101 Section 904, Recycling Performance Grant.  This grant is based on the success of your municipalities recycling efforts.  Carroll Township received $14,460.00 for the recycling efforts in 2019.

What materials are recyclable and what are the benefits of collecting recyclables?  Recyclables are materials that still have useful physical or chemical properties after serving their original purpose and that can, therefore, be reused or remanufactured into new products.  Most common recycled materials are:

* Cardboard
* Metal Cans: all food and beverage containers made of aluminum, steel, tin or bi-metal(aluminum & steel).
* Plastic Containers:# 1, 2 & 5 plastics with the necks smaller than the base.
* Newsprint.
* Glass Containers: food and beverage containers (bottles & jars) made of amber, clear and green glass.
* Food & beverage cartons

Continental Paper Grading and Consolidated Scrap Resources, Inc. have options for paper recycling. Options for Paper Recycling

 Collecting recyclables reduces a company’s waste disposal costs by diverting materials from waste.  Recycling can also provide revenues through the sale of collected materials.  In addition, collecting recyclables helps to ensure an adequate supply of raw materials for manufacturing recycled products.  Recycling also has important environmental benefits, including the conservation of energy, natural resources, and valuable landfill capacity.  Company support of recycling also can improve customer and employee relations by demonstrating a company’s commitment to environmental protection.

Convenience is the key to a successful recycling program.  A convenient collection system will encourage employees to carefully sort recyclables by material type and to eliminate contaminants.  Get to know your waste stream.  This can be done through a waste assessment that identifies the types and amounts of waste a facility generates.  By conducting a waste assessment, you will gather baseline information that can be used to set goals and monitor progress.

Finally, set your recycling goals. Your goals will reflect the amounts and types of waste generated at your facility and the recycling options that are feasible and cost-effective.  Remember to first consider activities that actually prevent waste from being generated.  Then examine the remaining waste to determine which materials could be collected for recycling.


The Code of Carroll Township, Chapter 326 requires all commercial, institutional and municipal establishments in Carroll Township to begin a recycling program through your commercial waste hauler.

Designated Recyclable Materials are:
*   Newspaper and Cardboard
*   Glass
*   Aluminum and Steel Cans
*   Plastic Containers
*   Leaf Waste

Carroll Township is required to submit annual recycling reports, including data from commercial, institutional and municipal establishments to York County on or before February 15th of each year.  York County, as required by Act 101, submits an Annual Recycling Report each year for PA DEP record.  Therefore, it is important for your business to provide your Annual Commercial Recycling Report, with the number of tons of recyclables collected and recycled each year, on or before February 1st of the following year to the Carroll Township Office.  If your recycling hauler is Penn Waste, Republic Services, or Waste Management you do not have to submit the Annual Commercial Recycling Report.

“Guidelines for Recycling in Your Community” – booklet available to download

Carroll Township Commercial Recycling Guide

Annual Commercial Recycling Report Form
Due February 1st of following year

Please help make every recycling effort count!