As we all know one of the pressing issues in the Carroll Township / Dillsburg Borough area is TRAFFIC. Now is the time to let the officials at York County know about the traffic conditions in our area! This input is important and will help drive home the concerns and issues residents have to YCPC and YAMPO.
The York County Planning Commission (YCPC), on behalf of the York Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (YAMPO), has begun to update the Congestion Management Process (CMP), the first since 2015. In concert with updating the CMP, a public survey has been created to obtain feedback from the public about the perception and observation of congestion in York County. The goal of this survey is to gather information about the experiences, perceptions, and suggestions related to vehicular traffic and congestion locally. The responses received will help set goals and objectives for the Congestion Management Process (CMP) that reflect the desires of York County’s residents, workers, and visitors. This survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete. The survey can be taken on the YCPC website.