NOTICE is hereby given that the Zoning Hearing Board of
Carroll Township – York County will hold a meeting at the Carroll Township
Municipal Building, 555 Chestnut Grove Road, Dillsburg, Pennsylvania at 6:00
o’clock p.m. on Monday, November 25, 2024, or any date and time to which the
hearing is continued, at which time the Board will hold a public hearing on the
following matter:
APPEAL NO.: 2024-006
OWNER/ Dallas & Caitlin Feldman
APPLICANT 69 Meadowview Drive
New Bloomfield, PA 17068
PROPERTY 62B Warrington Road
LOCATION Dillsburg, PA 17019
This is an application asking to be granted permission to allow a Home
Occupation within an accessory structure in the Agricultural Conservation (AC)
zoning district.
The applicant is seeking a Special Exception from the Zoning Hearing Board
pertaining to Article 2 (Zone Regulations) – Section 450-201.B (Permitted Uses)
of the Code of the Township of Carroll. The applicant would like to operate a
Hair Salon (Home Occupation) in an accessory structure at the above referenced
By order of the Carroll Township Zoning Hearing Board
Brandon Slatt
Zoning Office

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