Apply on-line for New PA Mail-in Ballot or Absentee Ballot

In Pennsylvania you now have two options for mail ballots. You may choose a mail-in ballot or an absentee ballot. York County Economic Alliance has provided a guide for voting. Voter guide.

Absentee ballot – If you plan to be out of the municipality on election day or if you have a disability or illness, you should request this ballot type, which still requires you to list a reason for your ballot.

Mail-in ballot – If you aren’t an absentee voter, you may apply for a mail-in ballot – You may simply request this ballot without a reason.

Apply on-line here

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Carroll Township Collected 440 pounds of Medications in 2023 through Medication Drop-Box Program

Currently, 18 York County police department locations partner with the YCSWA to host medication take-back boxes in their police department lobbies.  The Secure Medication Take-back Box Program provides a secure disposal option for unwanted medications from residential sources at no cost to the public or to law enforcement agencies.  All York County police departments have been invited to participate.  Illegal drugs captured by law enforcement are also destroyed at no cost.

The secure medication take-back boxes, purchased by YCSWA from MedReturn, work like a mailbox: once medications are deposited, they cannot be retrieved and are contained in a locked compartment accessible only by law enforcement.  The heavy-duty green metal box bolts to the floor and wall.  Medications collected in the take-back box program are delivered by law enforcement to the Authority’s waste-to-energy facility for safe and complete destruction.  Law enforcement also maintains the box and secures medications that are received until they can be destroyed.

The Authority’s waste-to-energy facility is equipped with state-of-the-art combustion technology and air emission controls making it York County’s best waste management tool for destruction of medications and illegal drugs seized in law enforcement actions.  The facility’s operator, Covanta York Renewable Energy, also supports this method that ensures complete destruction of medications and illegal drugs at the York County Resource Recovery Center.

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York Social Security Administration Office online services

The York Social Security Administration Office (located at 2670 Industrial Highway, Suite 2, York, PA 17402) is trying to increase public awareness of the many online services available at their agency web site.  For example, people can now file for Retirement, Spouse’s, Medicare or Disability benefits online, or they can request a statement of their benefits or request a replacement Medicare card among several other services.

Here is the link:

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Leaf Waste Facility is Open Year-Round

The Carroll Township Leaf Waste Recycling Facility is open year-round.  Stop in the Office to apply for your key card to use the facility.
See the Leaf Waste Recycling Page to print your key card application so it’s ready when you come in the Office.

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Welcome to Carroll Township’s home on the web. We hope you’ll find our  website both informative and easy to navigate.  Meeting Agendas and Minutes are available.  Zoning Hearing Board Notices will be posted monthly.  Various Applications and Forms are available for printing under Resources.  Updating will occur routinely and Township Ordinances are available on line.  Thank you and enjoy your visit.

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